Want to be a great nurse?

Make great assessments! Skillful, accurate, and complete assessments are essential to top-quality nursing. This app makes sure you get all the details, and then records them accurately and quickly. Properly configured, it can feed them directly into your hospital's EHR, saving you charting time.


Want to be a great nursing student?

Ace your clinicals! A major aspect is top-notch assessments. With this app, you'll make them every time. You'll omit no details, and will accurately and completely capture your findings. You can even email them to yourself for inclusion in your write-ups.


Ready to get started?

A short video on how to get started using NurseAssess.


Your hospital EHR is not yet
connected to your Smartphone?
We can fix that.

Please complete this form and click the Submit button.

Then print it and deliver to your manager.


Ready to write a review in the app store?
Here is how.

How to leave a review in Apple's iTunes app store.


Detailed Descriptions
NurseAssess Assessments


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NurseUsers Work?

Click here.

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